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Ma'lumotlar uniwork.buxdu.uz saytidan olindi

The article is devoted to the problem of the relationship between language, culture and spirituality in explanato-ry dictionaries. Language, culture, spirituality - what connects these three terms, what place do they occupy in explanatory dictionaries. Questions are raised. The article also provides a deep analysis, the author refers to such famous linguists as Mentrup, J. Grim, Gipper, Weinrich. The points of view of E.M. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostomarov. The interpretation and interpretation of such terms as culture, spirituality, language in different dictionaries is given. An analogy is drawn with Eng-lish and French. The author tries to show the etymology of these terms. The article also discusses the appearance of these terms in the Uzbek classical literature, the reflection of these words in the works of the classics. mavzusidagi
Otrajenie slov " yazik", "kultura" i "duxovnost" v tolkovix slovaryax. haqida ma'lumot