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The Dependence of the Formation of the Yield of Trees in Intensive Apple Orchards on the Methods and Levels of Pruning mavzusidagi
American Journal of Science and Learning for Development haqida ma'lumot
- Muallifi: YUNUSOV `
Chop etilgan maqolalarning "Google Scholar" va boshqa xalqaro qidiruv tizimlaridagi internet manzili:
Chop etilgan sana:
Nilufar Rafiq qizi Roziqova, Sabrina Orif kizi Ravshanova, Nordona Abdusamad kizi Sodiqova
Impakt faktori:
Jurnal (yoki to`plam) nomi va soni:
April -2023
Jurnal (yoki to`plam) nomi va soni:
No 4
Jurnal (yoki to`plam) nomi va soni:
ISSN 2835-2157 Volume 2
Ma`qolaning Internet sahifasi manzili:
Maqola mavzusi:
The Dependence of the Formation of the Yield of Trees in Intensive Apple Orchards on the Methods and Levels of Pruning
Maqola turi:
Xalqaro jurnallarda
Mualliflar soni:
Muallifning kafedrasi nomi:
Biotexnologiya va oziq ovqat xavfsizligi kafedrasi