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Ma'lumotlar uniwork.buxdu.uz saytidan olindi
It is generally accepted in modern linguistics that language is a mirror of culture, that it is a reflection of the whole being, and that it reflects the worldview. Each language contains all the features that characterize the nation to which it belongs, the members of society who use it, and on this basis, languages and nations are separated from each other. mavzusidagi
Expression of Language and Cultural Commonwealth in World Educational Dictionary haqida ma'lumot
Chop etilgan maqolalarning "Google Scholar" va boshqa xalqaro qidiruv tizimlaridagi internet manzili:
https : // orcid . org / 0000 – 0002 – 8101 – 6447 , https : // elibrary. ru / defaultx.asp ? citations , https : // scholar.google.ru/citations / profile/ Lolahon Nigmatova, https: // scholar. google.com/ citations
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Jurnal (yoki to`plam) nomi va soni:
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT)
Ma`qolaning Internet sahifasi manzili:
Maqola mavzusi:
It is generally accepted in modern linguistics that language is a mirror of culture, that it is a reflection of the whole being, and that it reflects the worldview. Each language contains all the features that characterize the nation to which it belongs, the members of society who use it, and on this basis, languages and nations are separated from each other.
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OAK tasarrufidagi xalqaro jurnallarda
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