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The Didactic Potential of Modern Information Technologies in Achieving the Professional Competence of the Future Teacher mavzusidagi
impak 2021 2 haqida ma'lumot
Chop etilgan maqolalarning "Google Scholar" va boshqa xalqaro qidiruv tizimlaridagi internet manzili:
The Didactic Potential of Modern Information Technologies in Achieving the Professional Competence of the Future Teacher
Chop etilgan sana:
Impakt faktori:
Jurnal (yoki to`plam) nomi va soni:
International Journal of Culture and Modernity ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 11
Ma`qolaning Internet sahifasi manzili:
The Didactic Potential of Modern Information Technologies in Achieving the Professional Competence of the Future Teacher
Maqola mavzusi:
The Didactic Potential of Modern Information Technologies in Achieving the Professional Competence of the Future Teacher
Maqola turi:
OAK tasarrufidagi xalqaro jurnallarda
Mualliflar soni:
Muallifning kafedrasi nomi:
Boshlang`ich ta`lim metodikasi kafedrasi